Quality Score Fixer
In my opinion this do not makes sense for several reasons (1) Creating a new ad group will not reset your keywords quality score (Source: A Google engineer told me during a summit in Google ). (2) A low quality score do not means that there is something that you can do to to improve it. A typical example is if you anyone add a generic word keyword like "home", "water", "fork" etc.. it will always get a low quality score for everybody, no matter what you do. This do not means that there is something that is possible for you to do to improve the quality score if it is bellow 7. (3) Opteo already does the best possible to improve your quality score all over account by the pause/create new ad feature - do not makes sense to target only low QS ad groups, it already do its best for all your adgroups on QS from 1 to 10.
Great addition to have
Harsh Kohli
This is very much needed improvements showing more often to fix keyword scores based on what factors are responsible for low QS so we can work on that if its CTR issue or if its relevancy issue in both those scenarios need of adding new ads which is more relevant, and if its a landing page experience issues so we get alerts to make our landing pages more better.
This would be valuable. Take inspiration from Tenscores.